Harley Ned

Living Life and Gaming

Opportunity And Preparedness Meet Weekly

About 5 years ago, I was shy.

20 years ago, I would have been known as an introvert. Put me in a crowded room, and I would stick with people I knew. It would be rare to see me breaking the ice with new people.

As time progressed, a couple things happened. I read books and I realized that time is ticking. Both of these things pushed me into a never ending adventure of wandering out of my comfort zone on a daily basis.

Reading Books

Reading books like How To Win Friends And Influence People by Andrew Carnegie and Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill helped me develop my mindset from a me perspective to an outside world perspective, and I began to see myself as someone who had a lot to offer outside of the traditional corporate setting. This caused me to use many of the techniques that I learned from these books to introduce myself, start conversations and generally become an ally to many of the people I met.

The Clock Is Ticking

I remember hearing on an Amway tape back in the 80's a guy by the name of Jody Victor talking about one of his distributors. She told him, "But I am shy," to which he replied, "Do you want to die shy?"

This reminded me that every minute wasted could never be gotten back, and that if I was not growing, I was dying. Heck, I was nearing my midlife, and I did not have enough money to have a crisis! I was not going to go down without a fight.

2006 Sparks Massive Change

I went on with my attempts to make money online. But it was still half hearted, and I did not understand the relationship angle to all of this. Not yet, even though I had seen it in my own experience with Amway, and with my experience at Church, when people would network at different functions, it would invariably come out that I was a computer geek and people would want to know how much it would cost to remove the virus that was infecting their computer. I undercharged in those days, so I ended up having a 2nd job of helping people with their computers, and working my fulltime job, before coming home to play computer games and work my online business (sometimes simultaneously - was not very productive as you can imagine).

With the clock ticking realization, one day in June of 2006, I turned off my computer games, and embarked on the trail of the entrepreneur. It was a tough trail, in the deep and rough terrain, but people had blazed an easier trail ahead of me, all I had to do was look for it. At that time, I attended my first event, and the networking there made all the difference. I met people who are still some of my closest friends, some of them are millionaires, and it was not that difficult to just say hi to them!

So the preparedness is beginning to take shape, and some of the people I met over the next 12 months have helped me defeat not one, but two jobs, and completely replace the incomes from them. The final chapter of this story begins in the summer of 2009 when a guy I met at an event in 2007 called me on skype and asked if I had heard about GVO. I hadn't and he proceeded to tell me about a group he was putting together to build a huge downline in this company that was relaunching in the fall. I was one of the first to sign up under him, and the following 8 months have been very fruitful indeed!

But That Is Not All Folks!

Another of my friends I met at an event in 2007 put together a mastermind group and I joined it. Masterminds are another principle that Napoleon Hill revealed inThink And Grow Rich that are very beneficial to everyone involved, because a mastermind becomes more powerful through synergy than any of the individuals could be.

In that mastermind, I explained that I was working on a project where I would create a video for their sales page, so that they could save hundreds, maybe even thousands, on the copy for a long form salesletter. I offered to do one of these for them and one of my friends, Walt Laurel, jumped in and said he had a product he was ready to launch, all except for the sales page. So once I completed the video for Walt, he was ecstatic! He called me weeks after the project to tell me thanks again for the project.

Opportunity Was Looking Again

Then, 4 months ago, it happened. I received a mysterious call from Walt. He asked if I wanted to do any more videos, to which I replied, of course. Then he told me that this was for a big client, a network marketing firm that was getting ready to launch in the USA and they needed me to do their opportunity video and their product video.

Well while I was working on this, I signed up for the company, so that I am now in the 2nd level of the company as they work on their prelaunch. The product just arrived at my door this week, and I am taking it, but after starting on it, I realized that I should have given my first month of product to my father, who is very sick, so I decided that I should just go ahead and order it for him and see if i can't (with Salu's Resveratrol based product line) get him back into shape.

So once again, opportunity has knocked my door in and I am ready to ride this wave into my next opportunity. but I am not going to ride this one alone, I am looking for the best networkers to help me teach the next wave of networkers to do it right! If you want to show off your network marketing recruiting prowess, I would love to have the CEO of Salu International give you a call. If you want to just sign up and get your own products coming to you, then you just click on the link below:


Here is a link to one of the drafts of the opportunity video that did not make the final cut.

So if you are one of those who are ready to take on the world, and make a difference in people's lives one person at a time, then I would love to have you on my team. I really do care about helping others, and the more people I can get on my team who are of the same mind, the further we will get in that endeavor, together!

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