Harley Ned

Living Life and Gaming

What Can You DO With Your Old Articles?

Ok, you spent an hour and wrote an article. You submitted it to the major article sites. Now what?

Many people write articles everyday and submit them but never give a thought to what else their articles are good for. It turns out you can take your single article and turn it into a lot of extra links to your blog or even to your money site, if your blog is not the money site.

What Are You Talking About?
Often, the same people who are prolific writers of articles forget that they have a lot of additional outlets for their finished product. First and foremost is their blog. If they do not have a blog yet, Wordpress.com and Blogger.com are prime places to get a free, hosted solution and still be able to squeeze every last ounce of link juice out of these articles.

Depending on how much content is in each article, you can make one article into 2 or more blog posts. I like making a series out of my longer articles. Like "The Top 3 Ways To Post Backlinks" could cover a three day series, where part 1 introduces the topic, gives a little preview and get into the first way to post backlinks. Part 2 would review what we talked about in the previous post, link back to it, and then dig into the the second way to post backlinks before giving a little preview of the next post. The final post would give you even more of a review before covering the final tip and then summarizing the whole article.

This will have people coming back to your blog time and time again, because you are leaving them wanting more. Too many times, I found myself writing a three page blog post and wondered what I was going to write the next day. Instead, I now write a long article and plan a series of blog posts from it.

So with a little extra decision making (like should I make this article about the 365 best ways to keep people coming back to my blog?), your articles can become a strong attracting force for your blog, because you are giving your information in a more palatable way, which encourages more people to link to your article series, since they do not want to have to write the whole thing themselves.

I wrote a report about how to keep people coming back to your money page and how you can take your articles and make them do triple duty for you. It is called the Astonishing Traffic Report, and you can download it for free! I wrote it for my 5 Day Business Challenge students, but I found that people need this BEFORE they can start the 5 Day Business Challenge. Usually if they take action on this, they can easily make the $247 to get into the 5 Day Business Challenge and be able to cruise right through the lessons. Since the content portion of the 5 Day Business Challenge is already very intensive, by removing this one aspect and letting people start putting content out on the web before they even get my course, my students achieve results much faster!

Click Here To Download The Astonishing Traffic Report!

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